Hélène Georges

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Hélène Georges is born in 1994. She grew up in Fréland, a mountain village in the heart of the Welche region, situated upstream of the Alsatian vineyard. Once her Bachelor degree passed and after a prep school, she integrated Bordeaux Sciences Agro in 2014. She chose a viticulture oenology specialization in order to obtain meanwhile the DNO (Oenology National Diploma) thanks to a partnership with the ISVV (Intsitute of vine and wine sciences) of Bordeaux. She decided to go to Germany for her internship where s he studied about the influence of the vines’ age and the water status on physiological factors for Riesling. Diploma in hand, she went in 2018 to New Zeland at Johner’s Domain in Masterton. As she missed Alsace, she came back to the same year. After an experience as consulting Oenologist, she joined Maison Pierre Sparr Successeurs in June 2020 as vineyard manager. In 2023, she was named Oenologist for Maison Pierre Sparr Successeurs.